A 27 years old young professional having a mature background in the field of Financial Engineering, Accountancy, Audit and Taxation. A writer, poet and Motivational Behavior Scientist having a lot of published work to share the taste of success.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
11 Billion US Dollars
The Finance Advisor of Pakistan has told in Press Conference some days before that the Pakistan is suffering a loss of 24 Billion Dollars on its new project named “The War on Terror” launched in the Tribal Areas of Pakistan way back in 2006. He stated that the original expenditures incurred on this project are approximately 35 Billion US Dollars but the reward received by the Pakistan against the products of the above said project is only 11 Billion Dollars. Hence the deficit of this project crossed over 24 Billion Dollars.
The above said project is launched on 14th January 2006 with the help of heavy US machineries named as “Drowns” and the end product of this project is the Blood and the Dead Bodies of Muslim Pakistani Nationals without any exception of the age, caste and colour. The life of this project has completed its 1193 days successfully with an indicator of 889 Deaths of the Muslim Pakistani Nationals included the school going children, infants, women and senior citizens with a success ratio 0.7452 deaths per day.
If we go into statistics more deeply in accordance with the instructions displayed by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) and also some other regulationary authorities which deals with the fairness and true & fair view of the project’s revenue and costs, we come to know that the per day cost is 38.5583 million US$ or 51.7435 million US$ per death. It’s a huge expense paid by the Pakistani Government with the helping hands of their masters not friends. On the other hand we know that we (The Pakistan Government – a Government lead and driven by the US Policy Makers & Think Tanks) have just received 9.2205 million US$ per day or 12.3735 US$ per death, conceiving a loss of 20.1174 million US$ per day or 26.9966 million US$ per death. It is the only directly attributable cost which I have mentioned here and has not yet included the indirect cost so we can say that this is only gross loss and not the net loss we are suffering per day or per murder of Pakistani Muslim Nationals by the crushing blades (Missiles) of American Drowns.
It’s a matter of Job Order Costing and we can discuss it through the following table;
Statistics Per Day Per Death
Revenue (US$ Aid) $11,000,000,000 $9,220,453 PKR 737,636,211 $12,373,453 PKR 989,876,265
Cost (Incurred by Pakistan) ($35,000,000,000) ($29,337,804) (PKR 2,347,024,308) ($39,370,079) (PKR 3,149,606,299)
End (Loss) / Profit ($24,000,000,000) ($20,117,351) (PKR 1,609,388,097) ($26,996,625) (PKR 2,159,730,034)
From the above Job Order Costing Schedule (though it is in table format but the accounting professionals can easily judge it that where the job order costing is) we can easily extract that after the every death of a Pakistani Muslim National (despite of his age or gender), the Pakistani Government has generated a revenue (or Aid) of Rs. 990 million and from the last 1193 days (From 14th of January 2006 to 27th of April 2009) this government has been generating a fund of Rs. 738 on daily basis. In other words every murder of our brother / sister / child gave a rise of Rs. 990 million to this Pakistani Government and this murder costs our Government a Rs. 3.15 Billion.
I have a detail discussion on this matter later on; first of all have a look on the use of American Machinery on this Project (A War on Terror). There are 60 Drown attacks on our Tribal Areas from the last 1193 days. It means after every 20 days, there is a Drown Attack within the boundaries of our sovereign state. This bimonthly Drown Attack lasts from the 14th of January 2006 and has a total of 60 in numbers as on 27th of April 2009. It will multiply itself in future as we are in a state of severe loss on this Project and we may demand for the use of this machinery on weekly or even daily basis as the situation of the Tribal Area is not in our control (so called).
Has a deep look also on the financial analysis of these Drown Attacks;
Statistics Per US Drown
Revenue (US$ Aid) $11,000,000,000 $17,713,366 PKR 1,417,069,243
Cost (Incurred by Pakistan) ($35,000,000,000) ($56,360,709) (PKR 4,508,856,683)
End (Loss) / Profit ($24,000,000,000) ($38,647,343) (PKR 3,091,787,440)
This table shows that every flight of a Drown in Pakistani sky will generate a fund of Rs. 1.4171 billion. Its mean that this Project is the best revenue generated source for Pakistan as none of our Industry / Organization generated so much revenue for us. Moreover every Drown Attack has given us a gift of 15 dead bodies of our brothers / sisters and children on an average base for completing 15 jobs per flight. So it is the highest revenue generating Project / Business of Pakistan but there is problem with this business that it is yet not established in any of the legal forms of business organization as it is conducted by the Government of Pakistan in a sole-proprietorship format.
In accordance with currently enforceable laws in Pakistan, likewise Companies Ordinance 1984, Companies Rules 1985, Income Tax Ordinance 2001, Income Tax Rules 2002, Sales Tax Act 1990, Sales Tax Rules 1991, Partnership Act 1932 and many others have a point that with such a huge revenue, this Organization / Project must be registered with these Laws & Regulations for the true and fair practice of the profession. This Project yet not has any NTN or Sales Tax Registration Number and saving a lot of tax. So FBR must take a strong step towards this organization to recover all the dues against Income Tax, With Holding Tax and Sales Tax. This Organization / Project must also file a return through electronic ways using the digital signatures of NIFT for an ease. Even Government can hire the services of highly qualified individual consultants or consulting firms.
Stock Exchanges (SE), Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) and Securities Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) must take it serious to regulate the fair trade practice in this country and also I think it necessary to register this Organization / Project with Monopolies & Restrictive Trade Practices Control Authority for the betterment of the profession. Hope these Institutes take it serious to regulate this business within the legal restrictions of the Pakistan as it is the best revenue generating business I have ever seen in corporate sector.
Regarding the huge expenses beard by the Government of Pakistan on this “Project”, I must say that I have not yet received any auditable assurance about these expenses because Government yet not supply any breakup of these heavy expenses near about 35 Billion US$. If Government provides the Income Statement of this “Project” then we can comment on this Operating Loss. I think that this declared loss is only a tactic to save tax under the currently prevailing laws of the country. And if in real sense this Government has been suffering from such a great loss against this “Project” then there are also many ways to overcome this loss. Some of these tactics are the hiring of professional consultants and obtaining different loans under the different schemes of SBP.
If Government starts to export these dead bodies (15 in numbers bimonthly) then it has a chance to cover all its losses because our Financial Institutions are offering some credit limits for exporters like FAPE I, FAPE II, FAPC etc. With such great and assured foreign generated revenue, none of our financial institute can refuse this application of loan. The financial statements and audit reports can be obtained by paying high consultancy fee to any of the renowned chartered accountancy firms and on the basis of these strong documents and facts & figures, the above stated deficit of 24 billion US$ can easily be covered by the disbursement of loan.
The CEO of this Project is much experienced in this regard and he is also very much known to the tactics through which every type of heavy loans can be waived off easily. With the help of this highly talented administrator, the future of this Project is pretty much secure despite of the announcement of current deficit.
I hope that this Project will be spread all over the Pakistan in near future as our Government is paying full attention to this and is using all of his resources for the success of this project “War on Terror” whole heartedly.
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