Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Diabetic and Kidney Disease

Health is always an important issue for everyone but it is more painful when some of the colorful and tasteful sense of a human being causes damages to the human being like sugar. The rate of sugar in human blood varies and it causes diabetics. On the other hand kidneys are the amazing gift of God for humans. Human pair of Kidney is used to balance the different harmful material in the blood of human and act as a filtrate for wastes and toxin materials. The original count of kidney in every human is two but some people have only one kidney as one can also perform the said task and functioning according to the prescribed law. The size of kidneys almost equal to a fist and can easily be located at middle of the back exactly below the rib cage of body.
Blood is continuously passing through the kidneys and process of filtering is spontaneously occurred. The filtered waste then excreted in the shape of urine. Urine is stored in bladder and consists of water and harmful toxic materials. When we urinate, we disposed off that toxic material.
In current age, the most dangerous harm for the kidneys is nephropathy means the failure of kidneys. According to some statistics indicators that rate of kidney failure in only United States of America varies between 80,000 to 100,000 each year. In case of kidney failure, the kidneys become unable to filter the blood and passed out that toxic material from body.
When we calculate the reasons of said kidney failure, we realize that the major cause is diabetic. According to the Primary Diagnoses (Causes) for Kidney Failure Survey 1998, almost half of the kidney failure appears due to diabetic. Complete indicators are as follows;
• 43.2% Diabetes
• 23.0% High Blood Pressure
• 12.3% Glomerulonephritis
• 2.9% Polycystic Kidney Disease
• 18.6% Other Causes
Diabetic is the major cause of kidney failure but most people deny it. In USA 16 million people suffer diabetics and out of them 0.1 million have kidney failure. The patient then has only two options. First one to choose the dialysis that replaces the original function of filtering the blood upto some extent or receives a healthy kidney from any donor through transplantation.
The Federal Government is spending high amount for the cure of kidney failure patients as the budget multiplies in billion dollars. Government knows that Americans has higher probability of having kidney failure than others and all scientists are unable to know the reason of such. Diabetics are of two kinds but the ratio of having kidney failure is same in both kinds. Doctors and researchers though describe the level of diabetic kidney failure in 5 stages. But at end the best cure is good care that can save you from kidney failure.

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